Kenny and I were married on September 30, 2006 and, after returning from our honeymoon, we decided it was important for us to begin our marriage on a solid foundation of Christ. We had both made a commitment in our hearts as born again believers, but we were ready to make a public statement of that faith! The photo on the left here is Kenny and I just before our baptism, posing with our beloved Pastors, Bob Swanger and Jesse McLeod. Both of these men have helped us to take our belief to a whole new level. As the scriptures say, the water baptism is symbolic of the old body being put to death (by going underneath the water) and rising again (coming up out of the water) new in Christ!
Kenny immediately after coming up out of the water, escorted by Lead Pastor, Bob Swanger and Asso Pastor Jesse McLeod...
This is me, immediately following my baptism...