I am so excited to announce that Kenny and I are EXPECTING A BABY!!
Our lives have been so crazy for the past several years that the thought of ever having another baby was just a distant wish. The year after Ava was born was consumed with just trying to survive, and then the next couple of years were consumed with getting my nursing license.
It was sometime last year we were talking one night and the topic of another baby came up, and I was just blurted out, "I really want another baby." I confided in Kenny that I felt robbed of Ava's newborn experience. I had my little girl, yet...I didn't. For the past 3 1/2 years I have avoided play dates, birthday parties, you name it. It has gotten easier, but it's still not easy. Another special needs mom that I know said she had two special needs children and was then blessed with a third healthy child.
So back to mine and Kenny's conversation...
I told Kenny that I was experiencing an internal battle. One part of me wanted so badly to have a healthy baby. The other part of me kept getting caught up in what others would think.."People will think I'm nuts for getting pregnant again after Ava's birth," or, "Maybe I'm too old." And many others... But ya know what? I wasn't exactly a
young first-time mom. I was 32 when I had my first baby, 34 when I had Ava, and had healthy pregnancies with both. With Aohdan I Did have a touch of gestational diabetes, but was able to control it with diet. With Ava I had no problems at all. My blood pressure the day I went into labor was 112/54. The biggest thing I am worried about is that I have packed on 35 lbs since Ava's birth. And I have noticed that my blood sugar is more 'touchy' this time aorund. But I have a wonderful OB that will take great care of us, and I will be delivering in the OR just in case anything goes haywire. Were not taking any chances this time.
So please just keep us in your prayers. We are so excited to be pregnant again, but we are battling anxieties and some fears. We just want so badly to hold a healthy, crying, pink baby at delivery.