Saturday, August 13, 2011

Friday, August 22, 2008

Well, Ava had her trach placed on Tuesday and yesterday (thursday) I was AMAZED at how great she looked. She looked for me when I walked in the room and started talking, and it was like her little eyes were dancing with joy! She can't make any noise, persay, with the trach in, but she more than made up for the cooing and such with happy little drooly grins. Praise God she is on her way to feeling better and doesn't have to spend every ounce of energy just trying to breathe. Her nurse yesterday, Donna (who I just love to death) explained a lot about the trach care and we both were in agreement of how good she looked. We both kept saying it over and over again, "She just looks GOOD!" Can you tell I was happy yesterday? Haha! Well check out the pictures I posted in the photo gallery and make SURE you read the story below!

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