Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thursday, August 14, 2008

For those of you curious about a tracheostomy, here is an awesome webpage to read about them. It also includes profiles of children and their stories...pretty amazing stuff actually! Check it out...
Today we had a care conference with several Dr's involved in Ava's care recently. They included; Dr. Allen (her Pulomary/Respiratory Dr), Dr. Kang (the Ear/Nose/Throat Specialist), a member of Dr. King's surgical team (can't remember her name), and a Dr from the PICU, along with the hospital social worker Lori McCullough. It was actually quite a feat to have so much medical knowledge, all together, in one room at the same time *grin*. I had compiled a list of questions, at least 20, and we all discussed what's been going on with her, what her future will be with and without a tracheostomy, and other things. The main thing I wanted to know is IF a trach will help us to keep her WELL. They all agreed it will greatly reduce the incidence of illnesses and, most importantly, it will help her breathe with ease! THIS was our main concern all along. After the care conference, Kenny, Myself and Mikki (Ava's home health nurse) all went for a bite to eat and discuss everything. We made the easy decision to go ahead with the Trach. The trach will be placed by Dr. Kang (pronounced 'Kong') sometime next week and they said to expect another week in the hospital to let the trach site heal. They DID say that immediately after the trach placement we should see an immediate improvement in her breathing and overall condition. I was once very 'weirded out' by the whole trach thing but honestly after what she's been through, I'm looking forward to it with anticipation! Praise be to God for the medical field and the healing things they provide!

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