Saturday, August 13, 2011

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ava had her trach surgery last tuesday and everything went great! She immediately started breathing better, she looked better, her eyes were bright and she was looking around. About 2 days after her trach was placed she spiked a fever of 103 and had a seizure. As a result, they took a culture to test for infection and she did test positive for strep. Strep is a very common infection and I'm very certain that she picked it up in the hospital-it happens. She is ok, but it has been a long road and we just want to get her home. All in all she has done very well. As far as seizures, she has had 3 (that we know of) since her admission into Children's on July 17th. All 3 of these seizure episodes have been within a few days of a stressful event. For example, she had her nissen fundoplication on july 24th...4 days later she had a siezure. In the beginning of August she had, what they suspected, might be pneumonia so they put a mask on her face (she hates masks) and she had a seizure. Then 2 days after her trach surgery she had a seizure. Her neurologist is not concerned about these episodes as it IS common for a child with a history of seizures, to have them during times of stress or sickness.
That being said, we just really need prayer for the road ahead. Some things that have been of concern for our family:
1. Pray against sicknesses and infections. Pray for her little immune system to just kick into high gear
2. Pray against seizures. Also pray for wisdom in handling her seizures.
3. Pray for communication to expedentially improve among the medical staff caring for her. Ava has a complex medical history and, as a result, there are a lot of hands in the pot. It sometimes it frustrating because one Dr feels she should be treated 'this way' and another Dr feels she should be treated 'that way.
4. Pray against plots by the enemy to put fear, anger and any other negative emotion into our minds. Pray that Kenny and Myself would be filled up with the fruits of the Holy Spirit; Peace, Understanding, Gentleness, Humbleness and, most of all, the Truth of God's Word!
Thank you all again to all of our prayer warriors, friends and family for sticking it out with us! We love you!

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