Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Technically, Gastritus is an inflammation of the mucous in the stomach lining. In Ava's case, or any kid who has a feeding tube, they can get this condition if their G-tube gets accidentally tugged on. Yesterday morning Mikki, Ava's nurse, was going through her morning routine and barely touched Ava's G-tube and it set her off into a hysterical, crying, quivering mess. Poor little baby! She was hurting! So I suggested that maybe she had gas on her belly and Mikki opened the valve on her G-tube to let any excess air escape, and we saw all this blood coming up her feeding tube! It took me back to several months ago when I woke up at 6am to her having blood all over her blankets, face and matted in her hair. But having gone through this before, I wasn't all that concerned this time since I knew the ER staff would just give her pain meds and that's it. So we called her pediatrician who advised us to just watch her, which we did. By mid afternoon she was sleeping so soundly that Mikki cleaned around her trach site, changed her diaper AND clothes and she SLEPT through it all! Haha! It amazes me what these kids get used to ya know? So she is fine and no more blood today. We think her G-tube probably got tugged and caused it to bleed from the inside, which would explain the blood in her belly. Ahhhhhhhh! *big sigh* But we are really are doing well! We pretty much have all of our nursing staff in place, and are settling into a routine.
**HOUSING UPDATE** Kenny and I are [temporarily] putting the house hounting on hold. According to our legal counsel, it is a safe bet that we'll be in the house for several more months, at least until spring sometime. Many of you have given us leads on homes for rent and I have followed up on all of them--THANK YOU:) We will make a final decision on where we will move after the first of the year.

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