Saturday, August 13, 2011

Friday, August 29, 2008

Well Kenny and I had training today to learn how to take care of Ava's trach site, what to do in an emergency, etc. It went really well actually. Had we had to go through this 5 months ago it would have been extremely stressful, but we've already been 'prepped' with having taken care of her g-tube site, her pulse-oximeter, oxygen, and many other things already. So the trach really was no big deal! Haha! Her health is good right now, no infections, etc. I keep telling people she's 'just hanging out in the hospital' right now! Children's Hospital really does make absolutely certain that parents are comfortable with every aspect of a child's care before sending them home. Although they tell me they just enjoy having Ava there:) I really think sometimes that they are attached to her. But so are We, I told them, and We want her Home!
So another thing that Kenny and I need lots of prayer for is our financial situation. Without going into a lot of detail, Kenny and I have to be out of our house in about 60 days and need the Lord's favor to be on us as we need to find appropriate housing, in Delaware county (Delaware county has many programs for special needs kids that other counties do not have). We specifically need to find a house to rent where we can have our dogs and cats and accomodate all of our 'stuff' & that falls within our budget.
It HAS been a hard year, no doubt, but the Lord has provided for our needs and we are trusting Him with this next venture as well! We just pray daily that our eyes remain open to His will, and that we be held up with His Peace, Strength, Discipline, Hope and Joy!
I have been reading the Book of Job recently's all I can say. I really identified with it in sooo many ways.
Love you all! Vicki

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