Saturday, August 13, 2011

Friday, August 8, 2008

Well, talked to the attending pulmonary Dr today and they are looking at early next week for Ava to go home-Yay! Just to bring everyone up to speed who may not be familiar with the medical 'terms' I have used regarding Ava, let me just take a moment. Ava has several Dr's that handle different aspects of her care. Depending on what she's in the hospital for, a Dr specific to her condition is typically consulted with.
We consult with the following specialists:.
Neonatologist: This is her all around Dr, sort of like a pediatrician, only a neonatologist specializes in neonates (newborns)
Neurologist: This is her brain Dr and handles anything to do with the brain. He monitors her brain activity and seizures
Pulmonologist: This is her respiratory Dr. She sees this Dr when she has any type of problem with her lungs or airway. This is the Dr they've been consulting with recently, along with the surgical team that performed her 'nissen fundoplication.'
Cardiologist: This is her heart Dr and, at this point, don't really need. She had 2 episodes of SVT shortly after birth (rapid heart rate) and hasn't had a problem since.
Physical Medicine: This is the Dr that handles anything to do with problems sitting, walking, etc. This department deals with any special equipment we may need for her.
As of today we changed her neurologist after me about getting into a fight with one of the attending Dr's on the floor regarding increasing her [already high] dose of Phenobarbitol. I finally was able to speak with a Neurologist who agrees with me and is backing down the dosage. For those of you who don't know, Phenobarbitol is a really nasty barbituate and, as the nurses will tell you, could put a horse on the ground. It is commonly used to control seizures (which she isn't having) and after informing the staff that is they didn't take her off of it I WOULD, they finally listened. She is still having an issue with 'strydor' which they are saying is due to a floppy airway. They said they are still not ruling out a trach in the future and hope that this nissen fundoplication will help her airway heal and get better. But the good news is that our baby is improving and hopefully coming home soon. We're standing on the report of the Lord!

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